Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge, Dallas, Texas
Santiago Calatrava
Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge immediately evokes Calatrava’s signature urban style. If you’ve been to Dallas, you’ve likely noticed the uncommon grace and remarkable material fluidity of it’s white arch.
Asked to revitalize the connection between Dallas' two riverbanks and facilitate easy passage between downtown and a rapidly changing West Dallas suburban landscape, Calatrava rethought the riverfront as another layer in the iconic Dallas skyline. Commissioned to design a signature bridge across the Trinity River in 2002, Calatrava saw it as an opportunity to reinvigorate neglected space along the Trinity River and highlight its enormous capacity to bring new development to Dallas. Now a lively public space the bridge effectively directs a steady flow of traffic back down to a vibrant public space along the Trinity.
Utilizing the remarkable intuition and functionality of ‘Midjourney,’ we asked it to consider the work of Calatrava and design a concept for a new international sporting arena. Just thought you might like to see the results. Results which, by the way, took less than fifteen seconds to arrive.